{% extends "elearning.html" %} {% block headtitle %}Exam Result - {{ course }} - {{ block.super }}{% endblock %} {% block content %}
{% if exam_submission.oot %}

You ran out of time

{% endif %} {% if exam_submission.passed %}


You have passed {{ course }} Course with a score of {{ exam_submission.score }}%

{% if course.id == 28 %}

Congratulations on completing your course. Please contact your centre and they will arrange for you to take your final test.

{% endif %}

Download your certificate

{% elif not exam_submission.all_tutorials_correct %}

Sorry, you were not successful

You achieved a score of {{ exam_submission.score }}%

You did not answer at least one question correctly from each tutorial.

{% else %}

Sorry, you were not successful

You achieved a score of {{ exam_submission.score }}%

{% endif %}

Return to Dashboard

{% endblock %}